While building the cleaningwomen-fountain model the idea came up to place it into a larger scenery, like a town square. The name of this square followed logically. It had to be a model’s model because the cleaningwomen-fountain model for technical reasons is already quite big. Such a square has to be decorated by a church. And when I begin to think about the church – oh well.
So this brought me to create a Sermon for the Church, as well as build one out of cardboard.
You can check it out here: My Sermon to the Church
The Balancing-Justice-Square
Church of the Holy Hooker and the burning Witches
the congregation is worshipping day and night the martyrs of clerical crimes and morals
the church of the holy hooker and the burning witches
the congregation is worshipping the martyrs of clerical crimes and morals day and night
the congregation is worshipping the martyrs of clerical crimes and morals day and night
the congregation is worshipping the martyrs of clerical crimes and morals day and night
The Balancing-Justice-Square
die glocke
aus sonem komischen brustvergrößerungs-kissen
brunnen- von vorne
kirche-nochmal von der seite
kirche-von hinten
Modell vom Modell
von vorne
modell etc.
Putzfrauenbrunnen und Kirche der heiligen Huren sowie der brennenden Hexen
modell etc
Putzfrauenbrunnen und Kirche der heiligen Huren sowie der brennenden Hexen